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Writer's pictureJ.D. King

The Shocking Reason Why The World's Never Going To End

Updated: May 10

In the scriptures, Jesus often urged us to re-examine things that we think we know. We need to see things with new eyes. The Lord wanted us to perceive everything through the lens of his all-encompassing kingdom, and its influence on the created order.

Usually, when Jesus highlights things in scripture, his focus isn't on a distant realm. Instead, he is talking about the work of God in our world.

At one point, Jesus turns to some of his followers and shares the following:

"I tell all of you with certainty, when the Son of Man sits on his glorious throne in the renewed creation, you who have followed me will also sit on twelve thrones, governing the twelve tribes of Israel" (Matthew 19:28 ISV).

What Jesus discusses in this passage deviates from the narratives heard in many Pentecostal and Evangelical churches. Instead of discussing the annihilation of creation, Jesus speaks about its renewal. His discourse on the "restoration of the natural order" is a poignant truth that needs to be re-embraced. Too many are looking the wrong way.

I vividly recall an unsettling grin on an evangelist's face as he foretold the destruction of the cosmos. He assured everyone in his hearing that the earth would soon be scorched in a blaze of fire. This preacher said, "This whole godforsaken place is going to end up in a pile of ashes.” As he finished his diatribe, the congregation solemnly sang a verse from "Amazing Grace:"

“The earth shall soon dissolve like snow,
The sun forbear to shine;
But God, who called me here below,
Will be forever mine.” 

Jesus’ words in Matthew 19:28 effectively contradicted this impassioned evangelist. While our Lord wanted all the broken things to be made whole, the preacher wanted everything that he disliked on this planet scorched.

I was talking with an older believer about this, and he got mad at me. He said, “You are trying to tell me that Jesus disagrees with John Newton and the bastions of Reformed theology?” It was almost like this mature saint was saying, “Doesn't the Lord understand anything about sound doctrine?” I understood his pushback. I had been in the same place. For the longest time, I couldn’t imagine someone preaching on the end without highlighting the earth’s baptism with fire. I didn’t recognize how badly we engage scripture (consider, for example, this poor reading of 2 Peter).

In Matthew 19:28, Jesus isn't introducing a novel new storyline. Actually, his words are rooted in an ancient narrative. This was in the old accounts that informed the Patriarchs and Prophets. Regrettably, many modern Christians have lost touch with this foundational story.

While many preach the annihilation of creation, Jesus offers restoration. He draws from the truth that as the earth was formed, the Father said it was "very good" (Genesis 1:31). Jesus was obviously present, as a member of he Godhead as the Creator made a binding covenant with creation in Noah's time (Genesis 9:13). As the poets and sages spoke of the fruitful land as an inheritance, Jesus resonated with these words (Psalm 37:9104:5-31; 115:16). Our savior re-envisioned earth's underlying goodness and glory, aligning with the prophecies of other Old Testament figures (Isaiah 11:9; 60:21). 

Jesus was acquainted with an ancient story. He knew that in the shadow of the cross, darkness and evil would be pushed back, and the beauty of God's original creation would be brought to bear. All that can be shaken will shake loose and what remains will be that which God originally made.

Contrary to popular religious sentiment, the world is never going to end. It's going to be redeemed along with all those who love Jesus. The biblical story is not annihilation, but restoration.

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2 comentarios

07 abr

So, despite the fact that so many objective, biblical indicators show that we are in the birth pains before the end times, and, despite most of the church holding to the erroneous idea of a pre-trib rapture while the Hebraic context clearly shows we're all going through the end times, you're saying we should ignore where we are in God's plans leading up to the end of the age?

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J.D. King
J.D. King
08 abr
Contestando a

I appreciate the engagement and response. However, I differ with you on all of this. Honestly, many solid New testament theologians see things differently than you. First of all, the "last days" and the "end of the age" were the end of the Temple, priesthood, and Old Covenant realities—in the first century. That is what Matthew 24 is referring to. Secondly, the rapture teaching did not exist in church history prior to 1830, and was not a part of any historic Christian teaching before the modern era. Finally, Hebraic thinking is about God restoring the world and humanity "tabernacling" with the Lord. It is not about annihilation and disengagement with creation. We are not in the birth pangs for the…

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